Who We

Shira Meltzer, RSLP

Shira Meltzer, R-SLP is a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist. She is the founder of True North Speech and has provided speech & language therapy services to children of all ages for over 20 years.

Shira graduated from Queens College with a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology. She then earned a master’s degree in speech/language pathology from Lehman College (NYC). After working in a preschool setting for several years, Shira entered private practice. In 2010 she opened City Speech Centre in Vancouver, BC, which grew into a thriving practice. In 2020, Shira founded True North Speech.

Shira speaks English and some Spanish. Her specialties include speech sound therapy, tongue/lip/jaw strengthening, and language therapy for children who have autism or other challenges.

True North Speech

Samantha Teters, RSLP


Samantha Teters is a registered Speech-Language pathologist living in Langley, BC. She graduated from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA in 2015 with a Master of Arts. She enjoys working with preschool and school-age children and has experience in supporting children with difficulties in their speech, language, fluency, early literacy, and social communication skills. She also enjoys continuing education opportunities and is alwayswanting to learn more in order to provide the best care possible for each child and their family.

Who we are

Danya Hiob, RSLP


 Danya graduated in 2015 from McGill University with a Master’s of Science (Applied) in Speech-Language Pathology. She is registered with the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC (CSHBC) and College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO), and is also a member of Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC). She has experience with a wide range of ages and communication issues, and strives to tailor her speech therapy sessions to each client’s individual interests and needs. Danya is passionate about helping others improve their communication skills in ways that will have a meaningful, practical impact on their daily lives.

Her areas of professional interest and focus are: stuttering, social communication, articulation and speech clarity, professional communication, accent modification, voice, and aphasia. Danya has completed training for stuttering in the ISTAR Comprehensive Stuttering Program, as well as training in the Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA) approach.

In her free time, Danya enjoys playing guitar, going for walks in nature, and reading. She is currently located in Langley, BC.

True North Speech

Roujan Khaledan, RSLP

Roujan (row-jhan) graduated from the University of Alberta with a Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology (MSc RSLP). She has a broad range of experience with both child and adult clients. Roujan’s area of expertise is treating speech and language disorders in post stroke, post brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders in adults. Roujan is a certified CAYAPartner and is able to support you in getting an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) device. Roujan also has experience with children with developmental language disorder, language delays, speech sound disorders (including articulation, phonological disorders, and childhood apraxia of speech), and ASD achieve their language and speech goals.