
At True North Speech, we provide a variety of speech therapy services.
Our services include consultation, assessment, and therapy for children with a variety of speech and language issues.We specialize in providing treatment to children (ages 4–19) with:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Motor planning difficulties
- Learning disabilities
- Processing difficulties
- Language delays
- Articulation
- Communication challenges
- Lisps
All you need is:
- a desktop or laptop
- a webcam
- an internet connection
We now offer the following adult services:
- Aphasia
- Apraxia/Dyspraxia
- Articulation
- Cleft Lip or Palate
- Cognitive Communication
- Dementia
- Dysarthria
- Dysphagia
- Dysphagia
- Feeding and swallowing
- Fluency
- Motor Speech Disorder
- Pragmatics
- Speech sound disorders
- Strokes
- Traumatic Brain Injury, & Voice