Financial Resources
Financial Resources
At True North Speech, we understand that long term speech therapy may present financial difficulties to many families. In our many years of practice, we have assisted families through the process of applying and securing funding from 3rd party sources. You may be eligible for financial assistance through one or more of the following organizations:
Extended Health Benefits
Many extended health benefits plans include coverage of speech therapy sessions. Usually, a referral is not needed. In most plans, the client pays out of pocket and is reimbursed after submitting a receipt. Plans also have limits, such as $500/year/family member. Contact your provider for more information about your specific plan.

CKNW Kid’s Fund
The CKNW Kid’s Fund provides funding for speech, music and equestrian therapy for physically challenged children, as well as counseling, medical equipment, and several other services for children in need. All BC children may apply.
Variety, the Children’s Charity
Variety provides financial assistance for children who have special needs to help with the costs of a wide range of equipment, therapies, educational, social and recreational programs, including speech and language therapy. Assistance is usually granted from September 1-June 30. As they usually distribute their funds by the beginning of the school year, it is highly advisable to apply by mid August. All BC children may apply.

Autism Funding (Province of British Columbia)
The BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) provides autism funding programs for children under age 6 ($22,000 maximum/year for eligible autism intervention services) and ages 6-18 ($6,000 maximum/year for eligible autism intervention services)
- Autism Funding Unit PO Box 9776 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9S5
- 250-387-3530 (Greater Victoria)
- 1-877-777-3530 (toll-free elsewhere in BC)
- [email protected]
Jordan’s Principle
Jordan’s Principle makes sure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Funding can help with a wide range of health, social and educational needs.

At Home Program
The At Home Program assists parents with some of the extraordinary costs of caring for a child with severe disabilities at home through a range of health supports and services. At Home Program Medical Benefits provide a range of basic, essential medical items and services, including school-aged extended therapies such as speech and language therapy.
Your local Elks Lodge Chapter
The Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children provides Financial Assistance for medical needs of children with hearing and speech disorders under the age of 19.